Building Xorg for GLLFSC

Last update: 2 june 2020.

This page presents a way to build Xorg, a widely used graphical interface, on top of GLLFSC. Because GLLFSC uses a deblobbed kernel, the firmwares used for 3D rendering and 2D acceleration are not available. As a consequence, the process presented here does not need Mesa Graphics Library and uses the "universal" fbdev driver with Kernel Mode Setting (KMS).

List of packages to build

Below is the list of packages to be built, in that order, to get a functional Xorg. Links redirect to recipes I have used to build Xorg:

  1. util-macros.
  2. xorg-protos.
  3. pkg-config.
  4. makedepend.
  5. python2.
  6. xcb-proto.
  7. libxml2.
  8. libxslt.
  9. libpthread-stubs.
  10. libxcb.
  11. libpng.
  12. freetype.
  13. expat.
  14. fontconfig.
  15. xorg-libs.
  16. xcb-util.
  17. xbitmaps.
  18. xorg-apps.
  19. xorg-fonts.
  20. perl.
  21. xml-parser.
  22. intltool.
  23. xkeyboard-config.
  24. pixman.
  25. libdrm.
  26. xorg-server. Note: if you install this package as non-root, you will have to run the following commands as root after the installation in order to be able to run Xorg as a non-root user:
    chown root /usr/bin/Xorg
    chmod u+s /usr/bin/Xorg
  27. xorg-drivers.
  28. twm.
  29. xterm.
  30. xclock.
  31. xinit.

Keyboard layout and window manager

I am using the french keyboard layout and dwm, so my ~/.xinitrc contains:

setxkbmap fr
dwmstatus 2>&1 > /dev/null &
exec dwm

Launch X

To launch Xorg as a normal user:



I would like to thank the guys from Beyond [GNU/]Linux From Scratch who inspired me a lot for this document.

More automation

You can automate the process of building Xorg by using my script 0-build-meta with the recipe meta-xorg.txt. As root, do:

./0-build-meta xorg


Then, a nice font to use is DejaVu. For chinese characters, see my fonts page.